So what's it all going to look like? What color will we paint it, what about carpet, vinyl, tile, paneling and headliner?Good question! These are issues that are going to have to be decided soon. We know that we are going with carpet and tile flooring, wood tones and colorful tile counter tops. The big issue of the day is paint and we are all in disagreement here. I thought maybe a light brown or blue but the ladies are saying silver. It's an important consideration. If your bus is ugly, it's 34'x8'x12' of rolling ugly, Baby! This is an older school type bus and will never be pretty, there is only so much that can be done here with the kind of money we want to spend. How do we intend to resolve the color scheme issue? A toy bus and model paints ! J We started out with variations on a grey background, grey and blue, grey and black etc. How many ways can you do red, white and blue ? A LOT! A A A A A A A A A We love these colors but are still undecided how the color scheme will actually play out. We change our minds almost weekly now !
We are leaning heavy towards the all puffy clouds thing at the moment :o) |